Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blueberry Streusel Muffins

streusel is an amazing topping,
to a plain Jane muffin,
especially one that taste boring,
& in need of some decorating,
so here's a streusel bake for cheering, 
to a weekend so amazing !!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Orange, Rum & Chia Chiffon Cake

what an idea..
orange, rum & chia...
in a chiffon that would be great with mocha...
& after all these treats - it's time for a little yoga !

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fluffy Earl Grey Scones

this isn't your average scone,
made with no butter and spiced with an earl grey tone,
it's a simple whip-up that taste pretty good alone...
& easy enough for you to bake your own!

enjoy with fresh fruits, Earl Grey Whipped Cream, jam and a cup of Earl Grey tea

Earl Grey Sponge Cakes - the opportunist

the earl grey kueh bolus were a flop,
but oh no - the baking doesn't stop,
how timely for an opportunistic swop...
& praise the Lord,
we've got yummy earl grey sponge cakes on the tabletop!

topped with Earl Grey Whipped Cream

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mister Fudgy with an Oatsy Twist

Baking mister fudgy,
is really easy !
rich & oh-so-chewy,
great with milk for a mid-day munchie!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Red Velvet Cuppycakes (B)

oh lo & behold !
happy birthday Ginger Ho !
these were baked for your surprise show...
red velvet cuppycakes - hello !

Friday, August 9, 2013

Banana & Chocolate Chips Muffins

these babies were baked spontaneously, 
& you can have them feeling a little less guilty,
for they're made of things good for your body, 
& are also pretty yummy!

Happy Birthday Singapore

Singapore's turning 48 today,
& everyone is cheering hooray...
another reason for our diet to be led astray,
with a lemony cheese cake to celebrate away!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Orange-Oomph Cuppycakes

with the itch to bake, 
something orangey & something of a cake,
this recipe was tweaked for a remake, 
& out comes a delicious sweet treat for teabreak!