Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blueberry & Almond Pie

last Saturday,
Joanne & her boys + Addie & I baked the weekdays' blue away!
with 2 pie recipes that are here to stay....
& a bite in this Blueberry & Almond pie - you can say,

we baked 2 pies  - a savoury & a sweet - in Joanne's marvellous kitchen. 

savoury - Chicken & Mushroom Pie (next blog post)
sweet - Glorious Blueberry & Almond Pie (here!)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Curried Pumpkin & Carrot Quiches

my o' my...what is this?
what did I miss?
why - hello Mister Quiche!
what did you do to receive such bliss...
to be sealed with Miss Pumpkin & Miss Carrot's kiss!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Earl Grey & Almond Bear Biscuits

going through the weekday motion, 
can be like eggs turning rotten!
 the saving grace is always in the kitchen,
where you can wear your apron,
 put on the oven mitten,
& bake bear biscuits in this safe haven. 

look up, it's TGIF tomorrow, my fellow men !

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Red Velvet Cuppycakes (C)

this recipe is tested for a girlfriend,
who spent the weekend,
baking this red velvet trend,
but the texture didn't fail to offend (too dense),
& so here I am!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Grainy Fruit Bread from the Rice Cooker

why do we get rumbly in the tummy,
even at 1am when the mind is so sleepy, 
especially when a bread will be baked in a jiffy, 
its aroma diffusing throughout the rooms slowly, 
smelling so heavenly,
& it's exciting as can be,
for it's not baked in an oven you see! 
but you'll find out shortly,
what equipment could whip up a bread so yummy,
that is worth 4.5 hours of waiting patiently, yet eagerly & so very happy