
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Jumbo Triple Chocolate Muffins

lately work has been crazy,
so i got lazy,
rhyming for my recipes..
but these muffins are worthy of a rhyme,
a classic chocolate dime!

Makes 6 jumbo muffins


- 1 1/2 cup plain flour
- 1/4 cup wholemeal flour
- 1/2 cup cocoa
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
- 1/4 cup white chocolate chips
- 1/4 cup M&Ms
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 1 egg
- 1 cup plain vanilla yogurt
- 1/2 cup low fat milk
- 1/2 cup grapeseed oil

1. Preheat oven to 200dc and grease jumbo muffin tins.
2. Sift plain flour, wholemeal flour, cocoa and baking soda. 
3. Mix in all the chocolate (reserve some M&Ms and white chocolate for sprinkles).
4. Whisk vanilla essence, egg, yogurt, milk and oil in another bowl until well-combined.
5. Create a well in the dry mixture, pour in the liquid mixture and stir well.
6. Fill the greased tin with batter. 
7. Sprinkle some M&Ms and white chocolate chips over.
8. Bake for 30 minutes until a skewer comes out clean. 

Enjoy !!

How was it?
moist & delicious !! makes a decent chocolate treat 

Recipe adapted from: (i honestly forgot but i will credit once memory kicks in!)

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