Denise Tiny Little Bakery
she who can't seem to stop baking.
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Sunday, October 20, 2013
Grapeseed Oil Grape Cake
here's another grape bake,
something light & sweet for a summer break,
by the blue lake,
with sweetheart Jake..
now that's a thought for daydream's sake!
Earl Grey Grape Tart
oooooh this is rare...
a first of a grape affair,
now don't just stop & stare!
check out this pretty great recipe if you aren't already aware...
as long as it's whipped up with tender lovin' care..
you'll enjoy this tart anyhow & anywhere!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Cheeky Monkey Cake
oh what glee...
it’s the weekends & we are free...
from the workaholic tree!
instead of a baking spree,
5 and a half hours was devoted to this monkey,
made with whole-grains..bananas & a lot of love from me!
it goes great with tea...
& it's oh-so yummy even Dino agree(s)!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Green Tea Almond Boo! Biscuits
mister J.O.B has been very busy,
like a bumble bee,
& as you can see,
this blog has been pretty quiet - oopsy daisy!
but i'm back..baking...happy,
& whipping up something really easy....
& oh-so-yummy!
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